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The decision of our board of directors was based on the realization that no one on our board of directors had the necessary expertise and knowledge regarding major property losses caused by hurricanes. The board of directors strongly felt that hiring an independent adjuster was the only way to ensure our condominium received all of the compensation we were entitled to from our insurance company. It is very important to note that much of the damage which The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International identified was not noticed by our co-owners, our maintenance staff or the insurance company adjuster.

Condominio Villas del Mar

While we are extremely business savvy, without your help we could not have successfully recovered from the devastating flood that destroyed Thailand. We were first victims of the flood. Then we became victims of the insurance company and the claims process. Right away you sent a team of expert consultants in the various aspects of the insurance claim that were applicable to our circumstance. Building experts were engaged to represent our interest in order to properly evaluate the damages to our various buildings. Your team of contents specialists were extremely detailed at capturing every single item of business personal property and machinery. With your expertise we were fortunate to favorably negotiate our way around the coinsurance penalties, depreciation, salvage and a variety of other claim issues in which we were not well versed. Initially we were hesitant to retain a loss consultant for our insurance claim as we believed that our insurer would promptly and fairly reimburse us for our loss. We quickly learned that in order to preserve our interests we needed the expertise of professionals as you to protect and advocate our insurance picture because the insurance company hired their own team to represent their own interests. Because of you we were able to negotiate an extremely favorable recovery on all aspects of loss. You took the burden of the catastrophe off our hands. We would never recommend anybody facing a complex insurance claim to move forward without the help of a firm like Insight Advice and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

When we first met, I was reeling from the sudden and unexpected loss of our home. The enormity of the task before us was just beginning to sink in, and the prospect of somehow inventorying every item in our home (as suggested by our carrier, State Farm Insurance) seemed like an impossible job, given that it would have to be done in our “spare time” as we attempted to carry on with the regular obligations and demands of our lives. To say we were under extreme stress is a gross understatement. We were out of our league and in over our heads for sure…While I spoke with you at length in front of my home, my adult daughter went next door and researched you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International on the internet. Less than an hour later she came walking down the sidewalk, unseen by you, giving me a double “thumbs up.” Her assessment turned out to be 100% correct. Your assistance didn’t just make a difference, it completely transformed the process, largely reduced the stress, and unquestionable was the deciding factor in our receiving a very satisfactory settlement.

...Diane and I are deeply grateful for your efforts, patience and the eventual settlement. We suffered a devastating and emotional loss. We lost everything. Our prized home and all our possessions were burned to the ground. Not only were we victims of a disastrous fire, but we almost became victims of our insurer. The insurance company initially offered us a sum that was not even remotely enough to re-build our house. Even with my years of negotiating sophisticated contracts, I was tremendously impressed with your efforts to secure us an incredible settlement well in excess of the policy limits and almost double the amount originally offered, all without the need of going to unnecessary litigation. Your team was steadfast in its focus. You are true professionals. After going through the extended insurance claim process, we now know that no one should handle their own claim without the benefit of your expertise...

I can say without reservation that without The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, I would have been lost. For-profit insurance carriers have a mandate to keep costs low for the benefit of shareholders. They are not committed to the interests of premium payers. They have created a world that is impenetrable to the average policyholder. You will need help, and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International will do the job for you.

Shortly, reality started to seep in. I was without a home, without a house, without any semblance of my life prior to the holocaust. Gone were the paintings, watches and record collection, expensive classic modern and antique furniture, and my prized glass collection. Everything! Gone were the valuables, the invaluable, the replaceable and the irreplaceable—gone was a lifetime of collectibles. All had either disappeared in the fire or were part of the charred remains…Over the next several weeks, I put my past and present in the hands of a talented Greenspan Co./Adjusters International adjuster. Over numerous visits to the burned-out remains, she patiently helped me recreate, room-by-room, possession by possession, the entire contents of my home. Sandy was to become my 'guardian angel' during an extremely confused and traumatic period of my life. Not only did The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International help me produce a meticulous list of my possessions, but also helped establish prices on priceless objects and actual prices on replaceable items lost in the fire. They also referred me to several specialized reconstruction contractors and helped obtain estimates for rebuilding my home. They interfaced with my insurance agent and my insurance carriers, and guided me through the maze of paperwork that follows a tragedy. I now wonder how I would have made it through that period without their calm and professional assistance. Thanks to The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International's professional thoroughness, I received the maximum dollar amount of my coverage, located a competent reconstruction contractor at a price I could live with, and started to piece my life back together again.

My experience with The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International has been nothing short of spectacular. From the start, all pressure was lifted off my shoulders.

Bellini’s Restaurants, Inc.

You came to the aid of Pacific West and myself when we were really between a rock and a hard spot. This was the second fire we had been through; the first fire we had we tried to handle the claim ourselves and that turned out to be a disaster. You billed me fairly and worked with me throughout this whole process, in a very professional diligent manner. These guys [know] what they are doing and are very professional about it.

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