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What was more disheartening was the fact that my insurance company offered me around $100.000 to settle a loss of about $250,000. My insurance company told me the reason for the low figure was due to a "co-insurance" penalty. To say I was upset was an understatement. I didn't know what to do... Shortly after I hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, I met you. I was not sure at first that you could get me a better settlement... I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am, and to thank you again for getting me a terrific settlement that was more than double what the insurance company had originally offered.

Queen of Hearts Hotel & Casino

From our initial meeting, I knew that with your knowledge and tenacity, you would achieve results beyond what I could have done on my own, even after I paid for your services.

The Rapport Company

It was of tantamount importance to me that my home be restored to its original condition as quickly as possible. Your assistance and that of others at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International enabled my family to move back into our home without significant delays.


The only thing we regret about using your company to settle our fire loss was that we did not hire you from the very beginning. We thought if we conducted ourselves with honesty and integrity our insurance company would also. How wrong could we possibly have been? For nine months, we did everything we could to save our insurance company money in the hope of getting a fair settlement. Thankfully, we found your expertise. Your team knew exactly what to do. I feel that if we had hired you from the very beginning we would have recovered all the money necessary to rebuild my mother life and been able to house her in a home comparable to the one she lost while she was displaced and shorten the time she was displaced by 6 months or more. Your negotiations skills and dedication to a fair and complete settlement were first-rate.

Your staff relieved our own personnel of having to spend many hours learning our ways through the complicated adjustment process.

When we hired you after our gymnasium fire loss, we never expected the results we received from your involvement. Coregis Insurance Company initially reserved the loss at $350,000.00. Through your efforts, you were able to settle the gymnasium loss for in excess of $750,000.00 Your firm's ability to inventory and value all of the damaged personal property items belonging to the School District, teachers, and students was invaluable to us. I realize that a school district should have resources at its disposal to handle all situations that might arise. But there is no question in my mind that no one could possibly have someone on staff as skilled and knowledgeable as you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. No one has Ken Crown ! My recommendation to any school administrator facing a large physical loss: Hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. It will be the best decision you will make!

Palo Alto Unified School District

It has made us realize that insurance companies aren't there for us, when we really need them to be. They can also make your life very unsettling on top of everything else that is going on…We know you are doing your best for us, even if we can't see it at times…We know that we could not have done with this on our own. It would have been too overwhelming. There are so many ins and outs of insurance we don't know. It is a good feeling to know you're working for our best interest…Anne Marie, I want to thank you for taking your time to listen, care and help us. I know it was part of your job. What I really saw in you is a person who cares what people are going through. You give more than what your job asks for. You also give a part of yourself in your caring.

Although our loss was relatively small, I want to thank you for your enthusiastic and very competent efforts on our behalf.

William E. Leach, President
J & J Distributing Co., Inc.

We have all read newspaper accounts of someone losing their home in a fire, or we have seen on our television screen the fire engines around the flaming home. When we experience this we have a momentary pang of sympathy for the homeowners. We then pass on to further news. It is not until it is your house that burns down, your worldly possessions that are completely destroyed, that you suffer the impact of what a fire really involves. I am sure the average individual, like myself, has no idea of what they should do to make any claim for their losses. Nor does the average individual have any concept of how to deal with the insurance company…It was a tremendous relief to have your men move in and take over all of the responsibilities of the inventory and the necessary negotiations, not only for the rebuilding of the house but for the substantial loss of personal property, as well as arrange for interim housing while our home was being rebuilt.

Elaine Smith
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