All Testimonials

There were two principal areas in which you excelled, they were - 'Communications' and 'Results.' I was informed timely by you or your associates during every step of the adjustment process. You always returned my calls within a reasonable period. The results were the checks received - an amount which without your assistance would probably have been significantly less.

Joseph S. Brown, Jr., Senior Vice President
Dupont Plaza Hotel, Inc.

Your detailed presentation and masterful negotiation with the insurance company were done with such professional detail and finesse that we, the school district, would never have been able to achieve what you did. I speak with complete confidence when I say that no school district should ever attempt to quantify its loss after any catastrophe or to enter into any negotiations with their insurance carrier without your assistance. We are, after all, educators and administrators and not versed or proficient in handling and negotiating insurance claims.

Catahoula Parish School Board

...Not knowing where to turn, I called John Garamendi, former Insurance Commissioner of California and currently a U. S. Congressman. John, without hesitating, told me to call you. Looking back I know two things: 1) I cannot thank John enough for the recommendation and, 2) it is the best decision we ever made and the claim was concluded and paid in the total sum 4.5 times greater than Travelers original offer!

As the oldest real estate firm in San Francisco, we have seen our share of damage to our own properties as well as those that we manage for others. Although we have run into other public adjusters, you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team are steps above all the others. Your attention to detail combined with years of experience gave me confident and reassurance that our claim was going to be successfully negotiated with our insurance carrier...In the end there is no doubt in our minds that you collected more than we could have done on our own. Your fee was well worth it, and paled in comparison to the increased adjustment you were able to obtain.

Don't Worry,' he said, 'you do not need any professional adjuster working with you. I will handle everything at no cost to you.' Like a babe in the woods I went along with him and quickly learned that the only people tougher to collect from than an insurance company is a bankrupt restaurant. Insurance companies like to collect premiums but do not graciously pay the insured what is rightfully his. Their adjusters before being hired are evidently screened for their ability to be unfair and insensitive to the plight of the poor homeowner. I, a seasoned businessman, quickly learned that I was no match for all the roadblocks the insurer set up in order to reduce their exposure…Once you came on the scene the ball game changed and the playing field was leveled…as a matter of fact I felt that I now had the edge. The professionalism and expertise you brought to the scene enabled my wife and me to finally relax and to finally believe that the matter would be concluded fairly and that we would receive the settlement that was due us. And that's what happened.

I know that without your assistance, in both knowledge of the insurance industry and labor in compiling our claim, we would be unable to rebuild our Club. Though I was skeptical, without a doubt, purchasing The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's services was the wisest expenditure our club has ever made. Without it, our recovery would have been much less, probably half, and the time spent by my staff and me, would have been much more costly.

Marilyn Curry, Club Manager
Chabot Tennis Talk

Too seldom in life do companies, or their people, exceed expectations but you and the entire team at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International are the very rare exception. Thank goodness I listened to two friends that insisted I hear what The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International did what for them and, what they knew The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International could do for us. That first meeting convinced me to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International on the spot because, despite my insurance broker’s good intentions to represent us with the carrier, I knew he didn’t have the knowledge, resources or the complete independence to optimize our settlement. I know for a fact that I would have settled for less than half of what The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International got for us had you not been hired, and that’s after deducting your fee. What a value! Hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International made our life easy in comparison to what could have been a very, very exhausting and unrewarding experience. We learned a great deal however, as did our broker, who now realizes, after seeing firsthand the effort, dedication, resources and knowledge that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International put forth in managing and settling this claim. Our broker and our risk management team have now worked together to tweak our policies to better protect us in the future. But, one thing is for absolute certain; if we are ever unfortunate to have another major loss like this… our first call will be to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

Your expertise, high level of communication, and genuine drive to foster positive results, extended not only to City Freeholds, but to Insurance representatives, and to my office as well. In short, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's performance over the past year and a half has been exemplary. I not only value our business association, but also the respected personal relationship which has been established.

Brooks Insurance Services, Inc.
440 of 3905