All Testimonials

The people we worked with at The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International were very helpful, capable, and compassionate... Talented, responsive, and easy to work with... It was invaluable to have such dedicated and gifted people working on our insurance claim so that I could be freed up to focus on enabling the agency to continue to provide services to our community from a temporary location.

Dolores Street Baptist Church

As you are well aware, the promises that the insurance adjuster makes immediately following a fire do not always pan out. In our case, the explanation of our business interruption coverage was way off base. Co-insurance and the way it affects actual coverage seem to be poorly understood by the general public. Prior to the fire, I thought I understood the provisions of our coverage but of course that was not the case. Never having filed a major claim before, it came as something of a shock to find that my insurance policy did not really say what it seemed to. Without your guidance and assistance in submitting my claims, I am certain that I would have had little success in recovering the money due to Valley Lumber Co.

Valley Lumber & Building Supply Company

The best thing that happened was when they hired Adjusters International! Don't know what would have happened if we didn't have your company's help in dealing with the insurance adjusters and consultants.

...Based upon the recommendation by the hotel’s legal counsel, Adjusters International was retained as “insurance adjusters” representing the hotel’s interest. Adjusters International immediately took control of the situation...Adjusters International performed their duties in a highly professional manner exhibiting extraordinary knowledge in insurance claims processing, representing and fighting for the best interests of the policy holder, Mauna Kea Resort. This was further evidenced during the earthquake damage repairs at the Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel.

I know without you, I could not have gotten a settlement with U.S.F.&G. to recover almost all the losses. I think also your cost were reasonable for the job you performed.

Rock Creek Mine Resort Beartooth Lodge

We took the time to do our due diligence and it seemed that the name Adjusters International kept coming up. Although one would like to think that their insurance company would do everything to help, practical business sense suggests that once one has a fire, they move from the asset side of the ledger to the liability side. I felt that our interests would be best served with an advocate on our side. Enter bulldog Drew. You were relentless in your pursuit and prosecution of our claim. It is clear that your knowledge of insurance and your practical experience lend themselves to securing the best settlements for your clients. The team that supported you was exceptional. You were always there with the answers when we needed them. You were our bulldog. In the end, the settlement reached was beyond what we expected.

Jacobsen Real Estate Group, LLC

The professional manner your firm demonstrated in the skillful preparation and negotiation of our client's claim far exceeded both our and their expectations. The real and personal property documentation was a work of art. Furthermore, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's accountant devoted a tremendous amount of time in the research, understanding, and overview of our client's business operations so as to be in a strong and will informed position to best present the business interruption claim. In working with you, Randy, it was obvious that your personal direction and application of the insurance policy provisions, along with your accountant's talent, was a combination that effected a settlement that not only far exceeded our expectations, but was six times the amount the insurance company had reserved for our client's loss.

Your ability to ferret out proper avenues for claim, some of which we were not even aware, together with your negotiating skills, have been outstanding.

Fred Rosenberg
Barstow Station

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International took the stress out of my hands and took charge of all that needed to be done. I saw first-hand how you very adeptly navigated my claim through the complex world of insurance always staying two steps ahead of the adjuster. Ultimately, the settlement achieved by your efforts was almost 2.5 times the initial offer. I am glad I had you on my side. I could not have done it alone.

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