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It has been my pleasure to work with Cy Minert who has done a tremendous job in getting an adjustment to our original insurance hail damage claim. His knowledge is unsurpassed in knowing how to work with insurance companies who have short changed the customer on legitimate claims that they are entitled to. I was very impressed with how kindly and courteous he treated those around him even in a situation where he had to stand up for our interests but not intimidate those he was challenging. It was worth every damn we paid him to represent our interests.

Thank you for being there when my home burned down. I feel like I’m blessed to have had Kenny Taylor and Jenny Schultz who became my team through this struggle with my insurance company and mortgage company. It was so reassuring to have team members who know the language, how to play the insurance game, and the knowledge of how to do their jobs in the best way possible, plus genuine kindness and patience in all their dealings with me.

We were introduced to our Public Adjuster, Kenny Taylor. Kenny carefully navigated the language of the HOA CC&R’s and compared them to the policy of insurance to ensure all covered damages were paid. Prompt repairs allowed all unit owners to return home in a timely manner. With the assistance of Kenny and his team the adjustment of our claim was smooth and successful overall. Hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to represent us in our claim was an excellent decision we would recommend to others.

Golden Gate Avenue HOA

That week in January was filled with so many things that are seared into my memory. The police shoot out next door. The sirens. The helicopters. And then the inferno that enveloped my home as well as a number of my neighbors. Then there were the reporters and the opportunists. You made your presence known professionally. You offered solace, resources, solutions, and a roadmap for both financial and emotional recovery. You were nothing like the predatory personalities that approached me from other companies. As I send you your fee of over $200,000, I feel in hindsight that it was worth every penny. You and your team were there for me every step of the way. You took my calls, responded to my emails, and even talked me down from the litigation ledge repeatedly – for which I will be forever grateful. Hence, I am hoping that this letter of commendation, when read by others in my same situation, can effectively communicate my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for a job well done.

That week in January was filled with so many things that are seared into my memory. The police shoot out next door. The sirens. The helicopters. And then the inferno that enveloped my home as well as a number of my neighbors. Then there were the reporters and the opportunists. You made your presence known professionally. You offered solace, resources, solutions, and a roadmap for both financial and emotional recovery. You were nothing like the predatory personalities that approached me from other companies. I feel in hindsight that it was worth every penny. You and your team were there for me every step of the way. You took my calls, responded to my emails, and even talked me down from the litigation ledge repeatedly – for which I will be forever grateful. Hence, I am hoping that this letter of commendation, when read by others in my same situation, can effectively communicate my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for a job well done.

Honolulu, HI

October 9, 2017 our home and personal property were destroyed by fire. USAA immediately issued “advances” for my coverages, which made me feel like things were going well and USAA had my best interests in mind. After USAA issued me advances, I was contacted by USAA corporate. They wanted me to help them make an internal USAA employee “feel-good” commercial. I even met USAA’s now retired CEO. Afterwards, I learned USAA had no intent on paying me the remainder of what I was owed. I innocently provided USAA all the details regarding the items that burned up. I did not know they would package it their way, price it their way, depreciate the items their way, and then say I was not owed anything additional beyond the advances they paid me at the beginning of the claim. My friends told me about how they retained your company to advocate and adjust their claim for them. They said retaining your company was a great investment in their claim due to the return they received for your work. You unraveled the mess USAA created and submitted a new claim for me. After you submitted my new, accurate claim, USAA put up stiff resistance as you said they would; however the numerous arguments you made and your diligence paid off in the form of getting USAA to issue the remainder of our limits. Most people naturally think if they try to work with their insurance company everything will work out just fine, but that is simply not the case. People need professionals in their corner who know the industry, who know how to fight and who will stay on top of their claim until it is paid.

I had no doubt after meeting with Mr. Crown from your organization that you would professionally handle the claim that destroyed my home during the Santa Cruz wildfires in 2017. Although I had no doubt you would professionally handle my claim, given my nature, I am surprised that I am willing and excited to author a letter of commendation supporting you and your firm. You have been more than a professional handling my claim, you have truly become my confidant and friend.

We deeply appreciate what you have done for us. Obviously, we have placed our trust in the right organizations and the right persons. All of you should be proud for helping people in need like us to go through the extremely rough and bumpy road. Undeniably, we could not make it without all of you.

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