All Testimonials

Because of your expert knowledge and experience dealing with insurance companies, you were able to increase the amount of our claim beyond our expectations.

…With the assistance of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International I was able to pick up the pieces and continue running my business without the headache of having to deal with insurance issues. You handled our case with tremendous expertise and were able to get us a phenomenal settlement.

M. A. R.’s Engineering Company, Inc.

Handling the ins and outs of the insurance policy, our options, and paperwork were just too complex for us. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International negotiated with the insurance company and interpreted our coverage (which is frustratingly confusing) to our best advantage. They really helped us get the maximum support from our insurance company so we could rebuild and focus on what we do our business.

Very few times in my fifty-two years has any company lived up to my expectations. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International surpassed my expectations and they made a very rough situation as smooth as it could possibly have been. Between the small print in a policy, and the obfuscation committed expertly by insurance agents, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's services are worth twice what they charge.

Nilson Brothers Garage

Without Mr. Glenister knowledge of how the insurance industry works, we would not have been able to receive all the monies owed us in our policy and would have inevitably settled on a dollar figure far less than what The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International helped us negotiate.

Oranje Chiropractic and Injury Center

...You and your team of experts delivered an outstanding settlement of our claim in a most professional and timely manner. I know for a fact that without your help I would never have achieved the settlement that you were able to get for me.

Pacific Community Services, Inc.

Unfortunately, I learned that there were companies such as yours well after the disaster which struck us…thus I had worked with the insurance companies directly, at great disadvantage to myself since I'm not in the insurance field, and too late for a contract with your company…The public, in general, is ignorant of the services that a competent public adjuster can render persons traumatized by disaster. We often simply do not know you exist.

Because of your interpretation of our insurance policy we were able to ultimately recover four times what the insurance company valued the damage. Your knowledge of the policy, construction, land development and construction costs 'won the day' for us. This combination of knowledge is unique and few could have helped us as you did.

Odell-Wentz and Associates, L.L.C.
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