All Testimonials

In our continuing effort to identify for you the best supplies, equipment vendors, and service providers, we are pleased to introduce and recommend Adjusters International as the loss consulting/public adjusting endorsed vendor for Preferred Hotel Group...Please consider utilizing the services that Adjusters International provides; guiding you through the confusing and complex world of insurance claims. Adjusters International relieves you of the work, and some of the worry, so you can concentrate on getting your business back to normal.

John Ueberroth / Chariman and CEO / Preferred Hotel Group

They came around when I was feeling so helpless and alone. They came in as if they were family! They were there physically and emotionally. This company did everything first class, from the work, making sure it was done correctly and as much to make sure I was happy.

Your objective support and helpful information was a valuable contribution…Your intervention made sure that I was treated fairly and our needs were met. I know the settlement would have turned out much more in the favor of the insurance company if your company would not have been involved.

American Mechanical Services of NV, Inc.

I cannot describe the feeling of coming home after receiving a phone call from my wife saying that 'there's been a fire'…Walking into that charred, smoky, smelly, devastated, soggy mess, looking at the remnants of one's belongings, is one of the worst feelings imaginable. Looking around at all the destroyed items, even knowing (hoping) my insurance would cover it all, created feelings of helplessness and uncertainty. My major question was how am I going to do my job, provide for my family, and deal with all of this? There is only one reason why the ensuing 5 months were bearable: The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Scott took control-not of my life, I didn't need that-but of all the interactions between me, my insurance company's adjuster, and the contractor(s)…He kept meticulous notes, always kept us well informed, called periodically to keep us updated as well as when he said he would, offered suggestions, advice and support when it was needed, even if I didn't ask for it. Because of his experience…he was able to anticipate many potential problems and 'head them off at the pass' before they occurred. It is not an exaggeration to say that he continually and energetically went into battle to fight for me and my family.

I initially thought Farmers Insurance would take care of us because of their advertising and their initial claims service; however, I quickly realized I was not going to get what I was paying for in my policy. Farmers Insurance initially paid me $173,555 to rebuild my home, which would have rebuilt 50% of my home, however, Eric was steadfast and methodical in his approach and eventually got Farmers Insurance to pay me $280,908, which was enough to rebuild my home to my liking, not to Farmers liking. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International delivered on its promise.

At the time of the loss of our home & business in an accidental fire... we were naïve enough to believe that we were adequately insured (except for our business, which was not insured) and that our insurance company would treat us honestly, fairly and ethically just as we treated them throughout the handling of our claim... In spite of assurances that we received initially from our insurance company's representative that our claim would be handled competently and reasonably expeditiously, it didn't take very long for us to realize that hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was one of the very best decisions we had ever made. We aren't certain whether the unconscionable treatment we were subjected to by our insurance carrier was due to their incompetence, dishonesty, greed or just simple unconcern for us as people. What we are absolutely certain of is that we were not treated fairly or ethically. Our insurance carrier, in our judgment, didn't make a reasonable effort to conduct business with us in good faith. We are convinced that without your help, we would have become embroiled in lengthy, expensive litigation in order to force AAA to live up to their responsibility to us as long-term policyholders. Your highly professional and extremely competent handling of our claim made that unnecessary.

...we contacted several public adjusters prior to contacting The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and were shocked by their lack of professionalism. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International representatives were a welcome alternative...Still reeling from the fire loss and our near-death experience, and fed up with our insurer’s delays, I cannot express the relief we felt knowing that someone else was sheparding our claim along to what turned out to be a very positive conclusion.

A friend recommended your company. We met with your people and felt better right away. I am sure that we recovered twice as much, even after your commission, than we would have working only with the insurance company people. Ms. Jessica Bivens was a pleasure to work with and was always responsive to our concerns and needs. Thanks to her we were able to get on with life and we are now back in our beautiful home feeling that we were treated most fairly.

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