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We are a manufacturer of natural latex rubber gloves for medical and cleanroom industrial use. Our plant here in Thailand had sustained a misfortune caused by flood in September 1995 both on the property damage and business interruption. Through the assistance of Paul and Gary, our financial loss from this misfortune was eventually indemnified by the insurer for nearly US$ 1.6 million which inasmuch represented the loss we had truly suffered. Without them, we can never achieve a fair quantum of indemnification as we had gotten in this instance.

Yoram Hirsch, President and CEO
Sompong Virakananon, General Manager

As fiercely independent 'do-it-yourselfers,' it was not easy for us to let go of the negotiating process at the beginning. However, it was clear to us at the time...that we needed some professional help…I must frankly say that the fact that our family is still intact is a tribute to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and Mr. Candido's ability to assume much of the burden which might otherwise have broken us apart.

Cherie Emery & Corey Klein

Now that the above matter reaches its conclusion, we would like to extend to you and to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International our most sincere thanks for your invaluable assistance, for the outstanding manner in which you have handled our claim as well as the results obtained which are certainly more than satisfactory.

As you can imagine, the total loss of a thriving business was very traumatic and stressful to them; especially when they didn’t know where to begin to tally the total value of their loss assets. The uncertainty of dealing with an insurance carrier added to their level of anxiety...From the beginning, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International assigned Bruce Tibert and their loss assessments support team to the claim. Bruce began with a review of their entire insurance policy to ascertain the applicable provisions and limits of coverage. His team meticulously documented the damages to the building and its entire contents; down to the number of forks and chopsticks...The owners of the restaurant were very satisfied with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team who kept them appraised of ongoing efforts, and negotiations with the insurance carrier.

When I talked to my insurance agent and found out what exactly was involved with dealing in a fire loss, I started to think that maybe The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was the way to go. Me and my wife signed with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and have never looked back. They have handled everything from determining the scope of work to be done to itemizing every little thing that lost in the fire. All we had to do is sit back for the ride and participate whenever needed.

Frankly, Jeanne was initially unhappy with the decision to hire a Public Adjuster. She felt we should be able to trust our insurance company to do right by us. However, they proceeded to jump right in and justify our action…Frank has effectively guided us through the settlement process, and has handled all the direct negotiations with the insurance company. This has left us free to devote all our energies to the rebuilding design and details, as well as putting the rest of our lives back together. It is, of course, very difficult to place a dollar value on your representation of us…My guess at this point is that Frank secured for us a settlement in excess of what we would have accepted of about 3 times the amount of the fee which we will have paid The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

R. C. Wentworth

Had we not engaged your services, I am sure our insurance company would have most probably only paid less than half of what your firm recovered for us…What could have been a horrible nightmare has truly been a pleasurable experience!

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International expertise in navigating the claims process with our insurance company was invaluable. Your experience and professionalism far exceed our expectations. Your estimator was delightful to work with. Her efforts, along with the entire team at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, helped us receive the most out of our settlement with the insurance company.

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