All Testimonials

As you well know, when you were first hired I took considerable heat from underwriters and brokers. Everyone felt that your presence would only interfere with the claim settlement, especially considering your reputation for being stubborn and hardheaded… Having been through the entire process, there is absolutely no doubt that hiring AI and thus you and Shellie was the best move Southern Pacific made…Not once did you make me feel like we were not on the same team, only that you always had the best interest of me and Southern Pacific in mind.

Director Risk Management
Southern Pacific Lines

...We are sure glad we hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, and are spreading the word around. Also, we are NOT recommending Allstate, no explanation necessary. We are looking forward to our next dealings with you.

Your fee was well worth the amount and we were very pleased with the outcome and settlement your firm obtained.

Sunnyoaks Shell

It was a long hard battle, frustrating at times, but your professionalism allowed me to never give up.

Stanley Wood Products, Inc.

We are grateful that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was there to help us in the time of such a loss. Regretfully, our insurance adjuster was not an advocate to protect our interests. In fact, to the contrary, his lack of response and help got us tremendously concerned about our recovery. Fortunately, we met with you and your team shortly after the fire.

We had never heard of an 'insurance adjuster' for a home destroyed by fire, and we didn't know what to do or where to turn…They had answers to all of our questions, they promptly returned our telephone calls, helped us with obtaining proof of our claims for our insurance company and so many other things. Most of all they never allowed us to feel we were alone.

While we have a lot of expertise in construction from owning several buildings, we were at a loss on how to handle the insurance issues implicated. This was the third fire loss that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International has handled for our family and investment group. We appreciate the team The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International assembled and the final settlement from the insurance company. Your fees at 10% of the insurance recovery were well worth it.

You not only collected 40% more than the insurance carrier initially wanted to pay us, but you also convinced the insurance company to pay us the fair rental value for our home (furnished), even though the policy only covered additional living expenses. With the additional monies from the fair rental value payment, we were able to purchase the RV we’ve always wanted!…You more than earned your fee and provided us peace of mind in not having to worry about all the minute details involved in adjusting our claim with the insurance carrier.

American Steel & Stairways, Inc.
1496 of 3905