All Testimonials

You are a formidable advocate and a valuable friend.

Sydney Kapchan

You knew exactly what to do and because of your relentless strength we made it through a very difficult time in our lives.

Oasis Investment, Inc.

We realized that we did not have the capabilities to deal with the insurance company on our own. It was obvious from the outset that the insurance company was not interested in what was best for us. They were only interested in paying as little as possible. Your expert negotiating abilities and persistent follow up assured the claim would be settled for a fair amount. Thank you for your efforts in bringing about a successful conclusion to our claim.

You promptly inventoried our losses at your expense. The engineers and contractors who you hired gave their estimates promptly enabling you to produce documents proving the extent of our losses…Thank you again for bringing what would have been an impossible task to a quick and smooth conclusion…And then doing more.

Linda Rush & William A. Rush, M.D., F.A.C.S
The Good Samaritan Medical Group

Your firm's analytical effort and professional presentation during final negotiation were most critical in our receiving a multi-million dollar final settlement.

David Zembo, Controller
CMC Coast Metal Craft

Your work has saved us much time and trouble. It has also gotten a good and fair settlement from the insurance company.

Frank arranged meetings with us at our convenience, often in the evening and on the weekends sacrificing his own personal life to accommodate our needs. Frank settled this claim in a timely fashion with a high degree of professionalism. The settlement Frank negotiated for our Dwelling was a fair and just one, a settlement that we could not have obtained without Frank's efforts. You earned your fee.

Jay & Renee Keller

Our insurance company was initially non-responsive; however, with the assistance of Mr. Abramson our claim was resolved quickly and successfully.

Vista Realty Advisors/Vista Affordable Housing Corporation
1488 of 3905