All Testimonials

Their work was timely and concise. Although my specific business circumstances were unique compared to others, Mr. Glenister allocated time to familiarize himself with my business’ details and apply his professional knowledge to prepare the case. I believe this attitude distinguishes The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International from its competitors.

I think one year to get the money-far, far more than we had ever hoped for-says two things:
1) You are a genius;
2) You are a tenacious genius who kept fighting, even after I had pretty much given up hope, to get Farmers to pay every single penny we had coming to us.
And you got them to do it. I guess the bottom line is that when we met for the first time, and you said, 'This is the situation and this is what we can do for you,' you did everything you said you would-and more. I admired your professionalism as Farmers employed their delaying tactics and lies. Had I had to deal with them personally, I would have eventually either succumbed to stress or brought in lawyers, who would have taken everything Farmers owed us. I figure that even after paying The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International its commission, we still came out at least $40,000 more than we would have without you-plus the fact that you, not I, spent the hours and hours and hours documenting the claim, pointing out to them where they still owed us money, and dealing on a day-to-day basis with people who were at best, ignorant and at worst, dishonest.

Your informed, timely, and valuable advice enabled us to get through what was a devastating loss with surprising swiftness and resolution.

David Asa Pritchet

...I know that without your assistance as our adjuster we would not have received our correct settlement from the insurance company. Without your assistance we never could have documented all of the details and expenses that resulted in a settlement that was 40% higher than originally offered by our insurance company.

Had we allowed Farmers Insurance to adjust this loss, we probably would have only collected 50% of what you were able to secure on our behalf. Your fees were certainly worth the expense in light of my father and I not having to deal with all of the complex issues that arose. You took much of the burden off our shoulders and your fee was well worth it.

(daughter of John Lee Hooker)

You handled every step of the claim process with great professionalism. While you were dealing with the insurance company we were able to continue our business in a new location. You reduced the pain and headache of this claim greatly and we want to thank you for a job well done.

Top Bargain Center

“…thank you for the wonderful job you performed in the adjustment of our property loss on Judah Street.”

“We are now in a position to have available funds to redevelop the adjoining properties we own at the site. None of this would have resulted without your and The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International’s expertise.”

Skyline Realty Incorporated

Throughout the time Mr. Verbits represented me on my insurance claims, he was instrumental in negotiating my claims, conscious to always represent my best interest, dependable in getting the work done at the right time, and professional in the manner in which he conducted his business. In addition, he was sensitive to my financial and emotional support needs during the early months immediately after the unfortunate mishap which my family and I faced. But, above all, what impressed me most about Mr. Verbits was the fact that he always provided quality service…no matter how busy he was, he would always call me back at my convenience and specified time.

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