All Testimonials

We certainly appreciate yours as well as the rest of the Adjusters International team's diligence in working with us to bring this claim to a conclusion.

E.Guilford Mills, Inc.

It is difficult to describe all of the things done to help us through the loss because The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International assisted in so many ways. So I will merely hit the high points. In our experience, The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International's services were invaluable in four areas:

* Identification of important categories of loss which we might have overlooked, and guidance in compiling the data necessary to support the claim.
* Negotiation of temporary living expenses based on a fair rental value for our home, as furnished before the fire.
* Successful and prompt negotiation of a settlement on each component of the claim, including securing for us liberal advances when they were needed to pay contractors and other providers of service.
* Wielding quiet but very powerful influence in the continuing dialogue with the insurance carrier on one hand, and the reconstruction and contents restoration contractors on the other. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International has a relationship with principals in this industry much like the relationship between a large construction firm and subcontractors in the trades…Susan and I particularly appreciate the easy communication we have had with you and the prompt professionalism with which all our requests were handled.

Milton L. Lavin

It was a true pleasure working with you and your company in this affair and your prompt attention to the myriad details, aggressive pursuit of the appropriate settlement with State Farm, and efficient paperwork made a troublesome fire damage much easier for me to manage.

From our first meeting I had the utmost of confidence that you would represent my best interests. Throughout the months we worked together, I never doubted your word and you delivered more than you promised. I am thrilled with my settlement and I feel confident that I will be able to completely repair the damage to my home.

It was very reassuring to know that someone was in our corner - willing and able to look past the mess, explain our rights and ensure that the best was being made out of a very bad situation.

Mosser Companies

Through your persistence in dealing with California State Automobile Association, we were able to not only repair our property but to add on an additional bedroom and bath.

At the beginning of the process, we believed that our insurance company would be fair and treat us with respect. We truly believed we were in 'good hands'. Now we realize that if we had not been in The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's 'good hands' we would not be looking forward to the rebuilding of our home to its pre-fire condition. We are eternally grateful to them and feel honored to count them among our friends. We recommend their services without the least bit of hesitation.

Working with you was a pleasure and your professionalism was paramount in concluding a difficult negotiating process. Without your help and assistance, I would not be confident that we would have brought the matter to a successful resolution.

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