All Testimonials

As you remember I was very skeptical of hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International on behalf of my client. However, after it was all said and done I can attest to the fact that she probably would not have received the settlement from the insurance company without your help. Just as important as the amount of the settlement was your professionalism. That always counts and is some what difficult to find these days. You made my job very easy and my client very happy.

These were absolutely the best worst experiences of our lives. You guided us with ease through the process of becoming whole again and we appreciate you all and the work that you have done for us. Choosing The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to deal with our insurance company was the best choice that we made personally and professionally and we would make the same decision again.

You were able to recover enough money from the insurance company to rebuild our club and make it better than it was before the fire. After paying your fee, we still had money left over.

Rosen Music Studio

You and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International have demonstrated your knowledge of insurance policies and claims and your efforts and professionalism saved us a great deal of work and stress...Our gratitude and professional respect for your performance can never be enough.

Marco Fine Furniture, Inc.

Although our insurance adjuster told us we would have no problem with our recovery, it soon became apparent that the logistics to prove the claim would be overwhelming. It was through your abilities and aggressive and tenacious approach to the Insurer that we recovered the maximum amount due us under our policies of insurance. We have no doubt that it was due to your careful and detailed computation of our claims as well as sophisticated follow-through and negotiation which yielded a more than satisfactory recovery along with a minimum of hassle to our management. Your assistance allowed us to concentrate our energies in rebuilding our complex and providing our guests the same standard of care to which they expected and we prided ourselves.

President/General Manager
Ventana Big Sur Country Inn Resort

He spared no effort in protecting my interests. His professionalism is to be admired.

Mason Brothers

You had worked with us thoroughly, diligently, and patiently. Your company displayed great professionalism and expertise.

They helped us make the best of an unfortunate situation.

Matt Horton
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