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We believed that we made a smart decision in retaining The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to file the claim for us. In my opinion, you had the knowledge and expert skills in handling the claim. We would not be able to reach such a much better than expected settlement without your professional advice and assistance

I am certain that we would have been combating with our insurance company for years to come if it wasn’t for you and your knowledgeable staff.

You concluded every aspect and detail of the claim with great results.

Your attitude and performance made the whole experience less stressful than it otherwise could have been. At all times, we felt that you were there with us and that you had our interest at heart when it came to negotiating with the insurance adjuster.

Infinity Property Management Company

...In the beginning we knew the $7,000.00 the insurance company was offering was not going to cover the damages.…You and Chris Glenister were always there for us and your hard work paid off when you recovered for us in excess of $1,300,000.00. We greatly appreciate your expert advice and the tenacity with which you negotiated to save our beloved restaurant.

We would like to formally thank the ‘team’ for the successful resolution of this large fire loss…your efforts in negotiating the settlement have brought this matter to an excellent resolution.

Without the expertise of the The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's team, Sonic Industries would have been hard pressed to reach a fair settlement. Her expert organization and the detail policy interpretation set up our course of action; her perseverance and personal compilation of our inventory documentation and MRB records proved invaluable in passing the audit examination. Above all, identifying each and every 'extra' expense secured a more favorable settlement. These are just a few of the examples of the truly professional work done by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International in preparing our claim and in our personal meetings as to the status of the claim throughout the process.

Ed Thorn, President
Joe McCord, Controller
Sonic Industries, Inc.

We have learned that insurance companies have their own staff of adjusters to look out for their concerns. It is important that the policyholder have their own advocate.

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