All Testimonials

In today's business environment it is extremely important that when you procure the services of a company to expedite matters with respect to insurance, that the company act fast. Your company went above and beyond, with its handling of my claim.

Gallanis Enterprises Inc.

The skilled staff of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International researched and worked with thoroughness, diligence and determination that resulted in a very favorable settlement as quickly as possible...His knowledge, attention to detail, preparation and professionalism expedited the settlement. He had complete knowledge of our insurance claim and his negotiation skills were superb. He was always in contact with us, informing us of his progress and answering all our questions.

Susan Buck-Lew

In spite of 3rd rated insurance company's deliberate delay and ignorance, your persistency finally paid off and we are satisfied with the claim.

Restaurant Golf

First, the insurance company tried to completely deny the claim because they claimed that the building was vacant. You did a great job of forcing them to confirm coverage. Second, they tried to reduce scope and pricing. The so called Independent Adjuster that the insurance company hired was not independent at all. It was very clear at the outset that the Independent Adjuster was only concerned about serving the interests of the insurer and not me…I recovered more than I ever thought I could have on my own. I paid almost $160,000 in fees for your services. It was money well spent.

David O’Keeffe
O'Keeffe Construction

...There is no doubt in our mind that had we handled the loss alone without your assistance, Travelers would have probably paid us less than half of what you ultimately recovered for us.

Martinous Oriental Rug Specialists

With your help, we were able to obtain a fair and equitable settlement which far exceeded what we could have done on our own. The expertise of your staff and the way they assisted us in preparing and negotiating the claim was invaluable.

Conquest Carpet Mills, Inc.

Thanks to you, my settlement was more than what I would have received if I was representing myself. You discovered losses, that I had, which I was not aware of. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is made up of the most sophisticated, intellectual, experienced and highly motivated professional people that I have ever worked with.

John Markowski

When we first met in November because of our fire you were well aware at our reluctance to enter into an agreement with your firm. Now that a final settlement has been reached with our insurance companies, I can only say that one of my smarter decisions as President of Ross Cook, Inc. was indeed my decision to let your firm handle our claim. We feel this settlement could not have been obtained without your firm or more importantly without the very professional people you have working for you.

Donald A. Appanaitis, President
Ross Cook, Inc.
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