All Testimonials

...Our insurance agent referred us to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Without your assistance and willingness to review my file, I am sure this claim would still be open...

Strain Ranches

Thanks to Mr. Elkman's guidance, support and calming influence, I was able to cope with the job of re-building my company. It's difficult to watch such a very large part of your life go up in smoke. Trying to cope with the fire, employee concerns, cleaning up debris, living up to financial commitments and fighting with the insurance company was far more stress than I needed in my life.

Fourth Dimension Work Systems, Inc.

When Park hotel on Folsom Street suffered a devastating fire, I felt like the dreams that my father had worked all his life to pass on to his children just went up in smoke…I knew right away that there were going to be problems with the so called independent adjusters from McLarens Young. I did not feel that they were independent at all. It was clear to me that all they wanted to do was protect the insurance company…You did an amazing job…You got me my policy limits without application of any coinsurance penalties or deductions for depreciation. I happily paid your contingency fees as the return on the investment was well-worth it.

Park Hotel San Francisco

It is most clear to us that not only because of the nature of the professionalism of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, but also because of the character of you, Frank, we were not held captive to an unfair and disastrous settlement. We can without question thank God thru the trial of this loss for many opportunities. One of them being the fortunate opportunity of having put the presence of the people representing The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International in front of us... You've proven to us in actions that you are a leader, working with poise and dignity at all times, even with the vast array of impossible personalities of the great number of people from the insurance company. Your character reflects the true meaning of a professional in every sense of the word…Our expectations of the outcome of our loss was greatly exceeded in so many ways, all evidence of the knowledge, purposes and sincere concerns of you Frank, combined with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. The job that was done for us far exceeded the fees that were involved.

There is just too much that we didn’t know regarding our rights under the insurance coverage… Your knowledge, persistence, and contacts were what helped us received a settlement that was appropriate. I truly appreciated your follow through and keeping me current on the issues. Both claims were tricky, and it was The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s understanding of the real nature of events, and your method of presentation to the carrier that prevailed.

Susan Aumiller, Controller
MBA Polymers, Inc.

You have prepared the enormous amount of paperwork required for our fire claim, have conducted the inventory counts including the minute details, in an accurate and unchallenged way; you have made the presentations to the Insurer, with whom you have a proper reputation, and your presentations have just been accepted. You were careful to accurately include all losses, and we must tell you we feel very fortunate to have had your company represent us. Your people are experienced, competent, courteous and were most considerate of our time.

Rotoflow Corporation

There was no way we could have made it through this experience on our own. This initial experience with Nationwide Insurance made us realize they’re not on our side. Kyle said your company would assure Nationwide started treating us fairly. Kyle made me feel like I was in professional and secure hands, so I decided to put my trust in your company from there. The personal claims service and personal customer service I received from your company was beyond what I thought was possible.

I sat at a table and watched as you literally put money back into our pockets. There was language in our policy I would never have been able to interpret and I would or could have lost those benefits.

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