All Testimonials

The professional and efficient manner in which you handled this claim was one of the major reasons for the successful result.

You demonstrated professional excellence in overcoming the insurance company objections and delays allowing for a quick recovery of my property. The property has never looked better and we here owe you and The Greenspan Company / Adjusters International thanks for your involvement and great service.
Your knowledge of insurance claims has again helped our client recover their loss and get them back in business as quickly as possible.

We discovered…that insurance companies can be reasonable, but the terms on which they are reasonable are altogether strange to the uninitiated, and that only with an experienced adjuster sitting on our side of the table would we be able to get a settlement sufficient to replace an exceptional but undocumented house. With infinite patience and attention to detail as she put together our inventory, she led us through day-long sessions - ordeals which without her optimism and cheerfulness I would have never voluntarily endured.

We'd like to thank you so very much for getting our insurance claim settled in such a professional and successful way. In all the time it took, you have shown consideration, kindness and great support.

...This began a process that we knew nothing about. We had insurance, but neither of us had ever used our policy for anything and did not know where to begin. “…They had guided us and fought the battles that needed to be fought without us having to worry about where to go, what to do, or how will this work. Greenspan is the first phone call we would recommend anyone make when they are in this type of unfortunate situation.

When we had our loss, we were besieged by many companies wanting to represent our interest...As you may recall, I did not initially agree to any representation, but during the early days of recovery it became apparent that I needed to have someone who I could count on to answer questions in my best interest...So with some misgivings, I turned my claim over to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International...I feel that I have recovered everything for which I was insured. Moreover, I know my recovery would have been substantially less had your company not been involved. Your personal presence as a buffer between my insurance representative and me freed-up my valuable time to devote my efforts to rebuilding. The thoroughness which you personally exhibited and your depth of knowledge of your profession were very gratifying and relieved a great burden of concern and worry during a very critical period.

Tuff-Weld Plaques & Wood Specialties

In the beginning I thought I could work with my insurance adjuster and handle the fire claim myself. I soon realized that the effort and knowledge required to successfully get a fair settlement was tremendous.

…………We initially decided to address this claim internally with the thinking that the complications of our financial loss would be minimal. We came to realize through conversations with the Insurance Company's representatives and their consultants that we were beginning to lack confidence in their ability to understand our business model and properly measure our true losses based on what we were entitled to under our insurance policy……….Your firm clearly understands the claims process of the insurance industry and we believe you were effective at articulating our position……Without the involvement of your firm, I don't believe we would have achieved the same results.

Robert Mann Packaging, Inc.
1352 of 3905