All Testimonials

Your valuable services are appreciated, particularly considering the fact that this multi million dollar fire casualty took less than four months to conclude from the date of the fire.

TV Fanfare Publications, Inc.

My Investment Manager assured me that it would be an equitable decision and that Pinnacle Realty Management had benefited from using your services. Not only was it a wise choice but it also relieved me from the burden of having to deal with the insurance company and the adjusters.

Fieldcrest Apartments

Your expertise, industry knowledge and dedication made all of the difference. I still find it hard to believe that we did not notice damage at this property until you pointed it out. Nearly 2 million dollars in recovery later, we understand how your expertise is invaluable.

Union Hills Estates Glendale, LLC

By retaining The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters international at the onset of the claims process, my final settlement was nearly 30% more than what the insurance company originally offered. The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International’s highly skilled and professional team of adjusters, building estiamtors and inventory specialists attention to detail and ability to suppor the claimed damages was more impressive than I could have ever imagined.

I tried to handle the claim myself with my own insurance company. I figured, "how hard could it be?" What a surprise when my own carrier tried to offer me what was tantamount to twenty cents on the dollar.

Powell Electric

We’ve always been led to believe in our insurance company, so we felt sure they’d have our best interests in mind; however, we quickly learned otherwise and realized we needed help. Eric’s years of insurance industry experience paid off because he successfully negotiated a settlement that allowed my mother to rebuild, not only part of her home, but her entire home to the manner in which she always wanted. Eric also fought hard to get our insurance company to pay for items they initially did not want to pay for, like the damaged driveway and landscaping. I honestly do not think I would have been able to go through this experience without Eric’s dedication and ability to go above and beyond. Hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International helped reduce my stress in trying to do all this myself. I always felt I had someone to talk to and that someone was fighting for us.

...He was always right on the job, he understood the problems. He is a first class professional. He did what nobody else could do. He came up with the ideas and answers to make a difference.

When we first met, we wondered if we really needed a public adjuster. Now we know; we did. To think that we could have blindly acquiesced to an adjustment figured by the insurance company's adjuster makes me uncomfortable…The hassles that you saved us from going through, by working on our behalf with the insurance company, made our lives that much smoother in a difficult time. One thing that we will always value is your response when asked, 'Will you please answer one more question?' Each time you gladly say, 'I'll answer as many as you like.

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