All Testimonials

You enabled us to reach an optimal settlement with our insurance company related to the 7/05 arson fire of our apartment building in Studio City. Your communication with me was excellent and I felt confident that you were on top of the situation from the beginning.

You were able to get us the maximum allowable on our flood insurance policies and 80% more than our cost to rebuild on the wind damage policies.

I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful job you and your team did in presenting my claim to the insurance carrier! After the devastating Boles fire in September 2014, all you want is for your life to return to normal. With The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s help, you increased my dwelling claim by 40% and obtained policy limits on my additional coverages i.e. personal property, other structures, and trees, plants, and shrubs. I would have never been able to accomplish this on my own.

I knew I would not be able to continue conducting my business and at the same time try to decipher the inch thick insurance policy booklet, so I took a chance. It was the best chance I ever took…The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International are bulldogs in getting the best settlement possible for their clients…They saved my business and my sanity.

Aunt Cynthia’s Bed & Breakfast Inn

We talked with several public adjusters before deciding on The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Your professionalism, reasonable fees and personal support, to say nothing of recommendations from other fire victim made it an easy choice. We are convinced that your "eagle eyes" and firm but diplomatic approach with our insurance company has "brought us back home". David and I know it was your determined encouragement which enabled us to pursue the arduous task of itemizing our personal property. There is no question in our minds that working with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to settle our claim under these stressful circumstances was the best investment we could have made.

Beth and David Hoge

...The dark clouds of uncertainty were replaced by a guiding light.

My area of specialty is in dentistry, not in dealing with insurance companies. Insurance companies are in the business to make money, not to help out the Insured. Your knowledge, help, caring and expertise in adjusting the losses, both property and business interruption far surpassed my expectations.

Persistently you presented the facts of the structure's damages to Farmers, ultimately 'going to the mat' with their adjuster to force a fair settlement for us.

4230 Stansbury Association
1320 of 3905