All Testimonials

The matter had languished for some time in litigation until we retained you and your consultants and experts. We believe that the overall result was more than satisfactory. We particularly appreciated the fact that you devoted your efforts and resources, including costs, without hesitation in order to assist us in pursuing the matter. Your knowledge of the opposing parties, their attorneys and carriers and matters of policy interpretation and customary recoveries was also most helpful.

Erskine & Tulley

Many of us in the business world have grown to expect less from attorneys, CPA's, tax consultants and others calling themselves professionals. To me, professional means more than a title or working within a profession - it means results. Through your experience, determination and common sense you got results!

HTI-Hardisk Technology

You delivered a great result, and in the process you were superbly professional and always a gentleman.

On September 15, 2014, our family home burned to the ground. It’s hard to fathom and doesn’t really begin to sink in until you notify your insurance company. Your head spins and you’re not sure where to begin. The professionalism by all The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was truly appreciated!

On September 11, 2015, The Butte Wild Fire destroyed my home, personal property and hundreds of other homes in my town, Mountain Ranch, CA. When I met Gregg Clifford, I knew your company was above the rest. I could tell by the manner in which Gregg represented your company, I’d get a level of advocacy and professionalism that no other company could provide. The great customer service and professional claims advocacy I received helped keep me going through a very difficult time. I’d recommend your company to anyone in the same situation.

You and your team of experts were able to get me settlements that I know for a fact were much higher than what I could have received had I not hired you. At the time, I didn’t have to spend any of my time dealing with my insurance company which allowed me to run my real estate business.

Top 10 Properties

In hindsight, retaining your company to serve as adjusters was a great decision. I am an attorney with both commercial construction and insurance litigation experience. However, I soon discovered that my legal knowledge was no substitute for your company’s specialized expertise and practical experience with the myriad of insurance issues that arise following a major residential fire. I am confident that you achieved a better financial result than I would have achieved on my own, or working solely with a contractor.

Your firm has not only comported itself with professionalism and integrity, but I feel you did your utmost to make me feel comfortable and at ease through this whole trying process. Most companies 'do their jobs,' but I think your company should be commended for thoughtfulness, genuine sincerity and organization.

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