All Testimonials

I wish to extend my personal gratitude for the professional expedient assistance you and your company played in procuring settlement of our claim. I feel assured that without your intervention that it would have not been settled as subitaneously and the reimbursement would not have been as concomitant with our loss.

San Fernando Valley Heart Group

Your expertise in deftly navigating the insurance claims process was key to attaining the maximum recovery at our policy limits. From our first meeting…through the arduous loss adjustment, to the final claims settlement, your commitment, integrity and dedication to take care of every detail comforted us. If we had attempted to negotiate the claim ourselves, we believe that due to our lack of expertise, personnel and time resources, we would have been offered only a tepid settlement offer, and additionally be buried under the labyrinth of process and administration. The results of your efforts speak louder than words and in business terms, you 'delivered the goods' as you committed when you promised.

864 Ellis Street LLC

From our initial contact with you, you were always very supportive and cooperative. You truly understood our special needs as a cultural club run by volunteers who had little or no experience with these matters. From the onset, you were very flexible in designing a program to meet our needs and financial restraints. Your service to our club greatly exceeded our expectations.

Germania Verein, Inc.

You were always accessible and responsive to our needs. The professional manner in which you managed our claim was appreciated by all of us.

Your professionalism, caring attitude, attention to our needs and attention to detail have made a tremendous difference to our peace of mind during the time we were immersed in getting our lives back in order. We were also delighted with the final amount of money you were able to obtain on our behalf. We're convinced that had we tried to do the same on our own, we wouldn't have been able to work out anything near the kind of settlement that you have.

Lynn Deegan

Early in the process the owner was apprehensive about hiring a consultant to work the claim on their behalf. They thought, like I once thought, the insurance company was looking out for the owners’ best interests. It’s clear now that I have been through this several times; the friendliness of an insurance company diminishes as the amount of damage increases.

Thunderbird Villas

We truly appreciate all your efforts, professionalism, and persistence especially when faced with some of the many barriers and brick walls that Farmers Insurance has tried to place in your way.

The harm caused to me and my family due to the insurance company's procrastination and unnecessary harassment has been devastating! The damage done to our business reputation has been extremely painful and costly. Thank you again for all your help. Our company is extremely grateful for the efforts of both you and Mr. Glenister.

Joseph J. Lal, President and CEO
Golden Corral / Ashman Foods
Jaar Foods / Raaj Foods
1312 of 3905