All Testimonials

You were a tremendous help and we don't know what we would have done without you. You have been very patient, professional, considerate and kind to us and we want you to know we truly appreciate all that you did for us. We don't think we could have gotten through the process as well as we did if it hadn't been for you.

Thank you for your diligence on behalf of these clients… It has, indeed, been a pleasurable experience.

Dick Strange Insurance

Despite a difficult stance taken by the carrier you were able to secure a limit of policy settlement within a most reasonable time frame. It took much time, effort, and a thorough knowledge of the claims business to secure this result. You conducted yourself in a very professional, aggressive and positive manner throughout the difficult negotiations, keeping me well informed at every step. I have had experience with a number of fires and adjusters but never have I been so pleased with an adjuster's performance.

Dolores Heights Properties, Inc.

Prior to this I didn't know what an 'adjuster' was but I'm glad you came along. Your help has been outstanding, knowledgeable, and professional. You know what buttons to push, when and how hard to push and I'd be lost without your counsel and direction.

With this severe of a loss, it is not uncommon to be approached by multiple adjusting firms. Selecting the right company to help was a daunting choice…Your knowledge of the process and your professionalism was just what we needed. I am confident that our claim was adjusted properly and that we recovered the most money possible.

Indigo Springs Mesa, LL

While we previously handled an insurance loss with our carrier, we knew from our last experience that the army of consultants that the insurance company placed on their dime was purely to lookout for itself and not us. Without your help we could not have obtained the favorable result. Of course, this is not to mention the amount of time, effort and distraction from our own business it would have taken us to recover any funds. Your services were based on contingency model, which we thought was fair and properly incentivized. Thank you for getting us back to business.

You and your organization handled the claim promptly and very efficiently. You were also very polite and courteous in response to any questions that I had had. I would also like to thank you for bringing to my attention, additional coverage that I had at the time, but was not aware of.

L.A. Millal Church

...Having your company put together our personal property inventory in such an organized and simple fashion allowed myself and my family to deal with other thing that were more important.

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