All Testimonials

On September 12, 2015, our vacation retreat, personal property, outbuildings, and perhaps every tree on our 26-acre Mountain Ranch, CA property were completely destroyed by the Butte fire. We knew that we were in over our heads and believed that having a company like yours represent us might preserve our emotional and psychological wellbeing at the very least. You got an initial settlement offer of $219,095 from our insurance company. You turned their offer into $637, 500. As you know, we maintained a very high level of expectation from you and your firm. The personal and professional claims service we got from The Greenspan Company/Adjusters International was world class, I’m happy to say that you met our expectations without exception and helped carry us through an uncertain and difficult period in our lives.

You have been professional in every respect. You even found the time to listen and be sympathetic to tales I'm sure you've heard a hundred times before. It is indeed the unexpected acts of understanding and patience that make you stand apart.

Kings Cabinet, Inc.

We have been able to relocate, and re-equip our company, and stay in business as a result of your help. We had no idea of the complexity of a claim of this nature, nor of what was really concerned in our policy, Your expertise was essential, and your guidance made what was a very traumatic and trying experience manageable.

The company was efficient, diligent, hardworking, and quite remarkable in bringing everything to conclusion.

Regent Mary Ellen H. O. A.

Due to the expertise of their adjustment of a fire which occurred in our hotel, we were able to collect an amount which we believe appropriate and eminent from our insurance carrier.

Civic Center TraveLodge

Thank you for everything your company did! I never knew there were people like you until I met Kyle Hensiek. A fire is a scary thing. Especially, when it burns your home and everything in it. The recovery process is so overwhelming. I’m glad I had The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International on my side. Who would have thought of having a handicap ramp installed at our temporary home… only The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. I am so pleased with the settlement I received.

After we brought The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International as our single source of managing our losses we have had tremendous results. You quickly move through the sea of issues that come to light when such large sums of money are involved. With you, our property owners are happy, our tenants are happy, and we can focus on managing the properties…We will never go it alone again.

Dave Chamberlin, Manager

If I had tried to handle this claim myself, I would have probably only collected 60% to 70% of what your office was able to secure on my behalf. Your efforts in adjusting my building claim resulted in collecting 30% more than State Farm initially offered for my repairs.

Nourollah B. Ghorbani, M.D., Inc.
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