All Testimonials

We were very impressed with yourself and your staff of experts, all of whom were extremely efficient, helpful, and courteous…We always felt secure knowing that our interests were well protected and that as a result the settlement we received was fair and arrived in a timely fashion.

Owners and Directors
Images of the North

In comparison, your competition in the Manualoha complex did an extraordinary sub-standard job. It is my understanding that they 'underbid' your company by a small amount. This occurrence is living proof that you 'get what you pay for.

Smith & Nephew Richards

The settlement was beyond my expectations and almost three times what we thought it would be…I knew there were going to be numerous issues. Co-insurance penalties was a huge problem as my insurance company tried to reduce the amount of money it owed by claiming I did not adequately insure the building. There were attorneys, contractors, fire department folks, investigators, ATF, and numerous other entities that were involved in this claim. Your team dealt with them and the army of insurance consultants very well. You got the best result and your effort to negotiate the coinsurance, depreciation, and extra expense up front was excellent…I recovered much more than I ever thought I could have on my own. I paid almost $200,000 in fees for your services. It was worth every cent in terms of the service received. There is no way I could have negotiated the settlement you did.

Red Mountain JV

It was only through your efforts and knowledge that Chrysler First received a settlement far in excess of what we had anticipated. It turned out that what appeared to be a simple fire damage claim for a Phoenix, Arizona property was, in fact, more complex. Issues involving asbestos removal, replacement cost versus actual value, developer's profit and overhead, depreciation issues, etc., became a matter of dispute. Due to your role in dealing with our insurance company, especially in the area of applicable state and federal statutes, Chrysler First received a very satisfactory settlement…As a real estate asset manager who deals with a magnitude of 'professionals' in various aspects of the industry, I can say it was refreshing to meet a true professional. Your timely response to phone calls and your patience in educating Chrysler First to its different options - while looking out for our interest - was recognized and appreciated.

Patrick E. Furlong, Assistant Asset Manager
Chrysler First

You were there for me when I needed you...emotionally and professionally. You took the time to explain those things that needed explaining and you had the expertise to get the job done...quickly, efficiently and graciously. Your expertise resulted in a 100% increase in my settlement. The peace of mind you gave me as I observed your professionalism and competence in preparing the necessary information needed to resolve my claim had a calming effect and allowed me to go about my business without concern.

We were all so excited to have moved into our newly renovated building in June, only to have our hopes and dreams shattered just one month later. We were in a state of shock and did not really know where to begin but we knew that we must not waste any time if we expected to serve the young people in the community. Our main concern was for the children and what they would do if they were deprived of the summer program that they had been eagerly anticipating. When it was suggested that we engage the services of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, we really did not know what to expect. However, since we did not have the experience nor the expertise to negotiate with the insurance company, we felt that it was important to have the services of a professional adjuster…We cannot thank you enough for all that you did for us. We know that without your knowledge and expertise, we would not have been able to be 'up and running' within days of the fire. The temporary repairs have also enabled us to offer our youth programs to an even larger number of youth from the community. What impressed us most about your company was the final settlement figures. You were able to obtain the maximum amount from our insurance carrier. We know that had we tried to negotiate on our own, because of the complexities of the insurance coverage, we probably would have settled for less.

Strawberry Creek Center Berkeley Youth

Your company was very prompt in accessing my loss and preparing the necessary complete documentation for a speedy insurance recovery. My claim was acted upon in a very timely manner.

Leonard Farms

The bottom line is that we simply could not have recovered from our disastrous fire without your professional assistance. Like most, I was initially skeptical of independent adjusters and at the time of the loss, I was positive I could go it alone. However, it soon became apparent that there would be no help forthcoming from my insurance carrier without prolonged negotiations on every issue. Turning those negations over to you allowed me to concentrate on returning my company to production and distribution. To those clients who will read this letter... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International knows more about the insurance industry than the average businessman. Let them battle as equals with your carrier... the relatively small commission paid to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was more than made up for by the eventual size of the claim I received. I estimated they doubled what I could have negotiated myself... their accountants prepared documents prepared documents with teeth for me. The time they spent preparing spreadsheets and quantitative evidence freed my staff to resume normal duties. Simply returning to production, handling personnel issues, and sustaining sales and accounts is overwhelming enough.

PolyFiber Aircraft Coatings
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