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I'm writing to express our sincere appreciation for the fine work you gentleman did in handling our recent hail storm claim that damaged our dealership in Cedar Falls, IA.

When the hail first fell, our attention was focused on the obvious impact to our vehicles. It was not until you completed your inspection, that we felt our building sustained extensive damage as well...

We remain very pleased with the settlement your team was able to recover. Thank you for a job well done!

Jeff Zaputil Hail
Jeff Zaputil
DanDeery Motor Co.

“Without the assistance of Globe, we would have never gotten the settlement amount your adjuster achieved. More than that, it is very unsettling to realized that without Globe’s expert help, we never would have known how far off the insurance company’s offer really was!”

D And D Shoe Co
David Hardin
D&D Shoe Company

“We have never handled a claim of the magnitude of this one and do not feel like we would have recovered the amount of insurance funds that we have received to date without the attention of Globe Midwest."

Saver Group
Larry D. Noe
Saver Group, Inc.

We greatly appreciate your professionalism, knowledge, and experience that have assisted us in the preparation of the claim and through our recent negotiations with the insurance carriers. It is clear to us that without your involvement we would not have received the ‘fair’ settlement that was concluded in December. The team you assembled brought extensive experience to the table during a time when it was critical. Without this experience, we would not have been able to make it through the catastrophe in the manner we did.

Kevin Daniels
Nitze-Stagen & Co., Inc., The Starbucks Building

Your tireless efforts on our behalf continue to have lasting impacts on our continued operations. Little did we know the fire would only be the first catastrophe. Initially we attempted to work directly with the insurance company and their consultants. We quickly realized their only objective was to minimize the claim. We were told at the onset we should only expect to receive roughly 40% due to a provision in our insurance policy – coinsurance – which we were completely unaware of. This stark reality confirmed we needed professionals on our side. In the end, Adjusters International was successful in recovering more than double what the insurance company initially offered. Without Adjusters international our continued success would not have been possible.

Steve Liffers
Swanson Bark & Wood Products

It’s hard to believe, looking back, how complicated the insurance company tried to make my claim. It’s clear that when an insurance company has a million dollar claim they will try everything they can to get out of paying. The insurance company and their so called “experts” are very skilled at challenging every aspect. You and your team used your experience and expertise to, in the end, overcome all objections from the insurance company. You came through with flying colors on every aspect of my claim. Thank you again for your hard work and sticking it out to the very end.

Nick Touma
Intelecom International

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“When our 80 Megawatts engines at the Cabras Power Plant exploded and subsequently destroyed the machinery, contents, and building in the ensuing fire we simply did not know where to start the insurance claims process. We relied and trusted that our insurers and their rate adjuster would candidly assist us to recover from our losses so we could service our ratepayers and clients. We were mistaken to have placed our blind-faith in that process and wish we would have met you and Mr. Steve Severaid earlier in the claim so we could have been on the right track from the beginning. Your meticulous efforts to properly document, measure and negotiate our building, contents and business interruption losses resulted in a most favorable recovery. With your hard work we recovered an amount that was published in the news at $125 million net of deductibles. It was almost 4 times the original offer. Your fees were well worth it.”

When our 80 Megawatts engines at the Cabras Power Plant exploded and subsequently destroyed the machinery, contents, and building in the ensuing fire we simply did not know where to start the insurance claims process. We relied and trusted that our insurers and their rate adjuster would candidly assist us to recover from our losses so we could service our ratepayers and clients. We were mistaken to have placed our blind-faith in that process and wish we would have met you and Mr. Steve Severaid earlier in the claim so we could have been on the right track from the beginning. Your meticulous efforts to properly document, measure and negotiate our building, contents and business interruption losses resulted in a most favorable recovery. With your hard work we recovered an amount that was published in the news at $125 million net of deductibles. It was almost 4 times the original offer. Your fees were well worth it.

John M. Benavente
P.E. - G.M.
Guam Power Authority

We have a 3-alarm fire in our facilities and it completely shut down our operations. It was clear to me that handling the entire claims was out of our league. I am sure that without their assistance and guidance, we may never be able to receive a fair settlement and getting our business up again this quickly. I recommend that no company, should ever work on the claims by themselves without an adjuster working on their side.

Rex Chang
Metech Recycling
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