All Testimonials

It would have been much more difficult to handle the claim myself, even though I am an attorney who is relatively familiar with insurance and real property law.

I am deeply grateful to you both for everything that you both did on my behalf making this process easier for me. Your expertise was invaluable.

We believe that Mr. Candido's work has significantly improved the outcome of this negotiation, both in regard to the agreed amount, and in regard to the stress placed on us. In particular, the last phase of this process, which seemed to be reaching an impasse, was resolved following a very well worded letter to the State Farm Claims Representative. This was good work.

Charles Alcock
May-Ying Chu

...You are kind, caring, considerate and professional! You really and truly understand our plight and represented us appropriately! …To me you are close to a saint! An angel that God has sent to help us through our misfortune!

I want you to know that from the morning that Jerry Fleischman came into my smoldering store, both you and he have made what could have been trauma and real losses into an acceptable position for my company…Without your expertise in preparing and presenting our loss and damages, to the insurance company, we would not have received such a satisfactory settlement.

If you ask us, the expertise and knowledge of individuals such as Clay Gibson and Kenneth Crown at The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International is invaluable to anyone who’s experienced a loss. Your fees were fair and worth every penny.

We feel our partnership's successful resolution of our claim was solely due to our introduction to your firm...Your analysis of the costs to reconstruct was detailed and exhaustive and we credit you with providing the necessary exhibits and documentation to the insurance company's adjuster that led to a settlement that allowed us to complete the restoration with a surplus sufficient to extend the renovation into other areas of the building that suffered from deferred maintenance.

Ned Walsh Company, Realtor

Steve walked me through the process slowly and patiently and had me realizing that just as I am a craftsman with wood, you are a craftsman with an insurance policy...Sylvia and I wish to thank you for staying on top of our claim, helping and supporting us during this process. Let me not forget to commend the professionalism of your inventory staff.

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