All Testimonials

What can I say except thank God I made the right decision in hiring you to handle my claim.

Anchor Forge & Iron Company

The claim involved buildings, equipment, inventories, business interruption and extra expense. Your knowledge and interpretation of our insurance policy helped us to gather the information needed for you to organize and prepare the claim. Your experience in preparing and negotiating the claim added value and expedited settlement. This arrangement allowed us to be involved in the claim and to be kept current on all developments, without disruption of business.

Marshall Durbin Companies

From the first person I met, to the principal of the company who was my team leader, The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International went after our claim aggressively, professionally, and diligently, until we ended up with a settlement that exceeded all expectations.

D.R. Stephens & Company

We had a previous loss due to a burglary which we handled ourselves and the insurance Co. really treated us unfairly and applied deductions, discounts, and many unheard-of discounts. The fire loss claim that was brought to you was settled precisely, quickly and professionally.

General Plating Company

Immediately following the fire, it became clear that dealing with the insurance company, inspectors, contractor, etc. was going to be both taxing and time consuming. It was a great relief to be able to put the entire matter in your hands.

...Your policy evaluation, accurate measurement of the loss, and claim negotiations on our behalf enabled us to concentrate on our business while your expedited our settlement and secured maximum recovery for our firm...Your evaluation of our stock and improvements and betterments damage was very detailed. Additionally, your in-house accountants used our business income/extra expense coverage sagaciously, which allowed us to use the insurance proceeds to relocate to a more desirable retail location.

Murry's Family of Fine Foods

I firmly believe that both our financial and emotional recovery from that tragedy is due in no small part to your heroic efforts to ensure a fair settlement from our insurance company. I am convinced of two things. Had we negotiated our own settlement, we would not have recovered the true costs of rebuilding/replacing our home. I also believe that had my husband and I been in on the direct negotiations with Safeco our emotional distress and overall stress would have escalated and prevented our emotional healing. Having confidence in your expertise allowed us to pick up our pre-fire lives and start to rebuild our 'home.

Joan Tanzer

I assured Maury when he asked me to handle the claim, that although I am a Certified Public Accountant and an Attorney at Law, when it comes to insurance claims, there is only one man to contact, to wit: Sid Greenspan…May I again say thank you for once again proving you are the best.

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