All Testimonials

There's no way we could have accomplished the work that your people did to establish our inventory and machinery claims. It would have been impossible for us to continue our own operation and attempt to do the tremendous amount of work your people did for us in establishing our insurance claims. In fact, it would be foolhardy for anyone not to use a capable public adjuster like yourself.

Rauch Industries, Inc.

Your sense of fairness and what is equitable in light of our policy coverage was expressed and implemented in a very professional manner. You represented us to insure that we were treated justly. We wanted others treated that way as well and you gave us every assurance this was done. We were reassured by your dispatch in every phase of the claim. You kept it on 'the front burner' and we did not have to worry that the process was not moving. You promptly returned calls and there were no 'it's in the mail' or 'the computer is down' type excuses.

Lawrence J. Irons
Re-Employment Services

Your attentive and prompt response to each and every call is much appreciated. It was most impressive to witness your handling the insurance company and things that we could not see or handle by ourselves.

Crenshaw Medical Group, L.P.

The expertise of your firm was very helpful in settling the loss in a timely manner and for a favorable sum. Your fee of 10% of the insurance recovery was money well spent.

Jessica touched our family’s heart and she treated our family like her own family member and we are sure she also helped many fire clients like us…Without Jessica, our family wouldn’t have our beautiful home rebuilt back and our peace of mind back.

Mr. Migdal's extensive knowledge of law, insurance adjustment, claim preparation, and his excellence at negotiations resulted in KIT collecting from TransAmerica. We are very pleased with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and especially Paul Migdal for the very professional job they did.

Matthew S. Pulizzi, Vice President
Kit Manufacturing Company

We have always been particularly appreciative of Bill's professionalism. He was responsive to our concerns and always went to pains to ensure that we had the best information available for evaluating our options at critical stages of the process, including obtaining consultations from professionals with specific, relevant expertise. We are confident that his extensive knowledge and concern for our best interests allowed us to make the best representation of our claim. We do not believe that we could have obtained as favorable a settlement had we not had The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International to represent us.

Neil Osborne

The thoroughness with which you approached this case was truly professional.

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