All Testimonials

It has been almost a year since the fire which completely destroyed one of our processing plants. Immediately after the fire, I received a telephone call at home from a representative of your company. My initial reaction was the 'knee jerk' type, and I felt I had been pursued by an 'ambulance chaser.' During an emergency management meeting it became clear that we had a loss that would exceed $7 million dollars, and that standing toe to toe with our insurance company to recover our loss would be an overwhelming task…After reviewing your proposal, it was agreed that our efforts would be best utilized in managing our business, while allowing your staff to recover our loss. I had no idea that the documentation of our claim would become as extensive as it did. Your staff worked tirelessly to quantify the claim. I am convinced that every possible element of our loss was maximized to the extent provided for in our coverage…You and your staff are true professionals, and the quality and detail of your work is very impressive.

Quaker Maid Meats, Inc.

It was quickly apparent that the insurance company was not interested in what was best for us. They were only interested in paying as little as possible...Your team took control of the adjustment and would not settle for anything less than what the policy covered. As they say, “no stone was left unturned”! You kept us informed and kept your entire team fully engaged. You treated our loss in the same manner as you would have treated your own.

BSF Buildings, Inc.

As a physician I've long appreciated the special rewards inherent in service that is perceived as extraordinary by one's clients…Your firm's professionalism, expertise and dedication to detail have produced results that frankly exceeded expectations. Of equal importance, your comprehensive management of the settlement process has allowed me and my fiancée to focus our energies on those things dear to us, our relationship, our careers and the rebuilding. The grief (financial and emotional) that your firm has spared us is difficult to calculate.

Jon Wack, M.D.

We want to take this opportunity to thank you and your most capable staff for the efficient way you handled our loss. Your organization certainly took a lot of the pain out of a very tragic and traumatic situation.

Arnold Kalmick, President
California Greetings, Inc.

To our detriment we learned several months later that this adjuster was not at all independent and had in fact been hired and paid for by the insurance company to represent the insurance company’s interests and not ours. We felt that this conflict of interest was contrary to the insurer’s obligations to fairly and honestly handle our claim...I was eventually referred to you...It is too bad we did not retain your services from the onset. The tremendous effort and result that you and your team brought made us realize in hindsight that if we, or any of our family or friends, ever suffer a fire loss it would be foolish to proceed with handling the claim oneself...The initial offer was approximately $500,000. The ultimate recovery, which was more in line with the assessment of damages, was $2.2 Million...The level of expertise you and your staff brought to the table was nothing short of astounding. Your fee was money well spent.

Cameron Razavi
Twin Gardens Management

Not only are we pleased with the financial results, but I also want to commend you on the professional way that you conducted the investigation and subsequent negotiation. You kept us informed every step of the way. You periodically requested information of us but we never felt put upon in any way. It was very comfortable to know that someone with your expertise was conducting this matter while we tended to our day-to-day business challenges.

Keepers International

I was extremely impressed with how you and Chris evaluated my loss of income claim and responded to the questions raised by the experts retained by Glacier Ice. I certainly could not have handled this claim by myself.

Dandesign West, Inc.

...While we were initially hesitant about retaining a public adjuster, our meetings with Paula Borges presented numerous positive reasons to retain The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International. Paula gave us hope and explained your team would level the playing field. Everything Paula said came true. We are extremely satisfied with our decision…As a result of all your fine efforts, we’re now able to rebuild our apartment building how we want to, to our specifications and tastes; not to our insurance carrier’s. In doing this, we can now build nicer apartments, obtain the type of new tenants we want, which means we can now increase the amount of rent we can now charge.

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