All Testimonials

He was extremely helpful, motivated and skilled at acquiring the maximum amount entitled to me from my insurance company. He helped me through a very difficult time and assisted me in getting full coverage for my belongings and the rebuilding cost of my house.

I particularly enjoyed your ability to coordinate and work with legal counsel. You and the other members of your firm that I dealt with were professional and exhibited a genuine interest in the concerns of your client. Your assistance greatly contributed to the successful handling of this very difficult claim.

His patience under trying circumstances was an attribute which was greatly appreciated by the Fulton Towers Board of Directors. His guidance in setting procedures for us to follow, particularly immediately after the quake was of enormous importance to us.

Fulton Towers Homeowners Association

While I am well versed in insurance and construction issues, without the help of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and its team, I would not have obtained the same recovery as I did with your involvement. I am a licensed general contractor and was on the executive board of the San Francisco Apartment Association for 6 years. Much of my business involves purchasing real estate and rehabbing them for resale and/or tenancy. I was hesitant to retain a Public Adjuster. I was very impressed with your knowledge, expertise and the services rendered. The settlement was close to twice what I had expected. The monies I spent for your fees were well worth the investment.

Your attention to the minute details was surprising, yet obviously paid off in a settlement in excess of $3.3 million dollars. I recall the insurance company’s initial building valuation was in the $1,250,000 range...We now have a brand new building that is state of the art, both in energy efficiency and ADA compliancy. We now have a kitchen that can cater to all of the members of the fraternity. Even after paying your fee, we had more than adequate dollars to not only do the repairs, but to upgrade the building substantially. There’s no doubt in my mind that had we not retained your firms services, we would have probably collected a million dollars less than what you ultimately secured.

Theta Iota Chapter of Kappa Sigma Housing Corporation

On behalf of General Cigar I want to thank you for your comprehensive and diligent work in helping us settle our insurance claims covering the assets destroyed in the…fire…Especially difficult was the seed claim recovery where a great deal of analysis and persistence was required for this valuable asset.

General Cigar Holdings, Inc.

When we had our devastating loss…I was very skeptical about hiring an adjuster to represent us. That skepticism quickly disappeared and without the help of you and your associates several things would have happened. The claim would not have been settled as rapidly as it was; we would not have received the prepayment that was much needed to replace our inventory; and lastly, we would not have received anywhere near the amount that was due to us.

Purity Bakery Ltd.

I can not thank you enough for making this so much easier.

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