Adjusters International Reaches New Milestones in Returning Puerto Ricans to Their Homes under Tu Hogar Renace Program
Nearly 9,500 Homes Inspected in the Last Week Alone as Program Expands
New statistics show Adjusters International (AI) has enrolled thousands of Puerto Ricans impacted by Hurricane Maria in the Tu Hogar Renace program to help them return to their homes. Adjusters International inspected nearly 9,500 homes in preparation for approval and construction the last week alone, following the ruling by the Puerto Rico Court of Appeals that the program should continue and the Department of Housing instructed Adjusters International to continue the work on its contract.“Since Adjusters International began administering the Tu Hogar Renace program in January we have helped nearly 20,000 Puerto Ricans begin the process of repairing and returning to their homes -- and we are adding thousands more every day,” said John Marini, President and CEO of Adjusters International. “As we ramp up the program we are inspecting thousands of homes each week to move those families closer to getting construction started on their homes.”
Key statistics of the Tu Hogar Renace program so far include:
Number of Puerto Ricans validated as eligible to receive Tu Hogar Renace program benefits. In just the last week, this number increased by more than 10,315 and thousands more are being added daily.
Number of home inspections conducted all across Puerto Rico on eligible properties in the last week alone by Adjusters International to assess and prepare to repair damage. This rate is increasing daily.
Number of homes all across Puerto Rico ready for construction and under construction after AI inspections, an increase of more than 5,870 homes in just the last week. Construction is completed under a separate contract by seven construction firms. AI does not provide construction services.
Total number of Puerto Ricans now employed to work on various components of the Tu Hogar Renace Program, including 800 hired by Adjusters International directly. This figure does not include permanent employees at Puerto Rican companies AI is partnering with for work on this program.
“Adjusters International is proud to be able to use our decades of experience and global expertise in disaster recovery to get Puerto Ricans back into their homes and accelerate the recovery process across the island,” concluded Marini. “We have made extraordinary progress in the last week alone and we look forward to making even more progress in the weeks ahead.”