Commercial Cooking Operations — What Do Insurance Inspectors Look For?

• Where is the termination point of the exhaust system? Is it clean and free of grease? It is not permitted to go through a combustible wall. It must be ducted above the roof line. • If the duct system passes through a combustible building structure, a minimum of 18” clearance from the combustible structure is required, if unprotected. That can be reduced when protected in accordance with NFPA 96. • All commercial cooking lines with equipment that produces grease-laden vapors, especially deep fat fryers, must have an automatic extinguishing system (AES). • In the event of a flash fire, is a manual pull station provided in the direction of the kitchen exit? • Is the AES inspected and serviced at least semi-annually? • In addition to the AES, a commercial grade kitchen (Type K) fire extinguisher should be provided in the kitchen area, and employees must be trained to activate the AES and use the fire extinguishers. Commerical Cooking Operations — What Do Insurance Inspectors Look For? Continued This photo illustrates the correct installation of a metal baffle plate between the open flames from the range and the deep fat fryer. Metal baffles should be used only when there is not sufficient space available to provide a 16” clearance between the deep fat fryer and any source of open flames. Baffle filters are seen above the range and fryer. 5% 7% 10% 57% 7% Intentional Smoking Materials Electrical Distribution & Lighting Equipment Heating Equipment Top 5 Major Causes of Restaurant Fires Source: National Fire Protection Association, “Structure Fires in Eating and Drinking Establishments” PAGE 2 5% 7% 10% 57% 7% Intentional Smoking Materials Electrical Distribution & Lighting Equipment Heating Equipment Cooking Equipment E04-1008 Sheila E. Salvatore, Editor | Copyright © 2018 Adjusters International, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Insights for Your Industry® is published as a public service by Adjusters International, Inc. It is provided for general information and is not intended to replace professional insurance, legal and/or financial advice for specific cases. 800.426.0677 | ®