Automatic Sprinkler System Malfunctions

E04-1001-V1 ________________________________________________________________ 1Note: These statutes are subject to change and could be modified by court interpretation. It is advisable that Innkeepers consult legal counsel in order to confirm the current provisions of the statute in their state or to obtain an updated version. 2In Paraskevaides v. Four Seasons, a hotel guest placed jewelry worth $1.2 million in the in-room safe. When it was stolen, Paraskevaides sued the hotel for the full value of the jewelry. The hotel denied the claim asserting its liability was limited to $1,000 based on the innkeeper’s liability statute applicable in the District of Columbia. The trial court ruled for the hotel, but the decision was reversed on appeal. The Appeals court held that the statute required the hotel to conspicuously post notice of the availability of a hotel safe for safekeeping of valuables, including notice of its limited liability, in both the guest rooms as well as in the public area of the hotel. While the hotel posted this notice in guest rooms, it did not post such notice in the public area. Hence the hotel failed to comply fully with the innkeeper’s liability statute which would have limited its liability. 3Go to: The list of statutes is provided by National Specialty Underwriters, Inc. (NSU), Bellevue, WA, tel. (425) 450-1090. The firm specializes in insuring hospitality risks, among others. the names of contractors who can provide emergency services and help with mold prevention. • Follow the insurance company’s directives regarding emergency repairs and mitigation. • Remove water by mopping and blotting. If the damage is significant, consider using a water extraction company for immediate help. • Wipe furniture dry. Whenever possible, move wet items to a dry, well-ventilated area. • Stand up wet furniture cushions for drying and place small pieces of wood or aluminum foil under furniture legs. • Remove wet fabrics and dry them as soon as possible. • Move rugs and pull up areas of wet carpet as soon as possible. • Increase air circulation by opening closet and cabinet doors, moving furniture away from walls and running fans and dehumidifiers. • Don’t discard damaged items without approval of the insurance company. • Keep an accurate record of all repairs and expenses, including receipts. • Photograph the damaged property. PROTECTING YOUR PROPERTY Sheila E. Salvatore, Editor | Copyright © 2018 Adjusters International, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 800.426.0677 | Insights for Your Industry® is published as a public service by Adjusters International, Inc. It is provided for general information and is not intended to replace professional insurance, legal and/or financial advice for specific cases. Automatic Sprinkler System Malfunctions Continued PAGE 2 ®