All Testimonials

Certainly the tragedy of the World Trade Center explosion will remain etched in our memories forever. We can, however, take pride in the united response of hundreds of people which enabled the complex to be reopened in record time and reconstructed on an expedited schedule. At the same time, as you well know, we were involved in a long, sometimes agonizing process of pursuing settlement activities with insurers. Without your help, and the help of many others the settlement wouldn't have been concluded as successfully as it was. On behalf of The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, I would like to thank you for the expert advice you provided to me and my staff in our effort to bring the World Trade Center explosion insurance claim to closure. Your expertise and insight in this long and arduous negotiation were invaluable.

Bruce D. Bohlen
The Port Authority of NY & NJ, New York, NY

Time and again you had the creative solution, the tough negotiating point, or the quick response necessary to keep our insurance claim on track with the insurance adjusters.

Richard Q. Russeth
Vice President & Associate General Counsel
The Pillsbury Company, Minneapolis, MN

The [business interruption] claim was quite intricate for it involved a hub station that had been damaged by a typhoon. ...[Adjusters International] exhibited experience in the claims process and provided Continental with the tools needed to finalize the claim.

Monica Ho
Manager, Property & Casualty Insurance Risk Manager
Continental Airlines, Inc, Houston, TX

It has been almost a year since the fire which completely destroyed one of our processing plants...I had no idea that the documentation of our claim would become as extensive as it did. Your staff worked tirelessly to quantify the claim. I am convinced that every possible element of our loss was maximized to the extent provided for in our coverage...You and your staff are true professionals, and the quality and detail of your work is very impressive.

Stanley Szortyka
Quaker Maid Meats, Inc.

Our construction team had little experience related to fire restoration and [your] experience and knowledge helped to save time and money. Thanks in part to [your] guidance, we were able to open the remainder of Santana Row on November 7, 2002, less than three months after the devastating fire. ...With [you] at the property, our development, marketing, and operations personnel were able to use [you] as the 'go-to' person with any questions relating to the fire insurance claim. This allowed our staff to focus on getting the project open and operating, rather than worry about the insurance claim. ... Finally, [you were] an enormous resource and advocate in our claim with the insurance company. [Your] vast experience, advice, and daily commitment were extremely valuable in our effort to finalize the insurance claim for Federal Realty Investment Trust. Without [your team], I am confident we would not have been able to resolve this $125 million plus negotiation in less than 14 months, an enormously fast timetable for a claim of this size.

John Hendrickson
Senior Director, Strategic Transactions
Federal Realty Investment Trust, Rockville, MD

Within hours of retaining your firm, your staff of construction consultants were on site to help us quantify the extent of the damage and coordinate agreement of the emergency measures underway with our insurer. ...Your expert interpretation of the policy language to identify the available coverage and ensure all covered aspects of the loss were investigated and made part of the claim if appropriate. Your personnel dealt professionally with the insurance company and their plethora of hired experts, which clearly helped to secure a settlement that was fair for all involved.

Wayne M. Naylor
Director of Risk Management
York International Corporation

Our loss was certainly not easy to measure...Your experts accurately interpreted our policy so that we could utilize all aspects of our coverage, and all aspects of our loss even those which we didn't initially recognize were skillfully measured. Adjusters International managed to minimize the impact of a very serious co-insurance clause, which saved Gerber hundreds of thousands of dollars. Your personnel dealt admirably with the language barrier, the substantial travel time to and from the loss sites and the numerous parties involved in our loss, and eventually negotiated very favorable settlements.

Jay R. Cope
Vice President - Operations Services
Gerber Childrenswear, Inc

...thank you for your invaluable assistance in resolving Illinois Bell's property loss and extra expense claims resulting from the fire. Your knowledge and experience in this area are remarkable, and your diligence in pursuing the many complex issues was instrumental in helping us achieve an early, fair settlement.

Ed Butz
Vice President/General Counsel
Illinois Bell, Chicago, IL
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